Owning a business is an incredible achievement that can bring you a lot of pride and joy. As you have put your heart and soul into getting your company set up and thriving, it’s understandable that you might have times where you feel nervous about how secure it is. Traveling, whether for business or pleasure, can be one of the circumstances where you might feel more concerned about the welfare of your company, as you will be away from the office if anything goes wrong.
This is why it’s important to take the following steps to help give you peace of mind that your business is safe while you’re on your travels.

1. Insurance
When setting up a business, you are legally obliged to have the correct insurance before you begin trading. This will cover the basics such as professional indemnity, equipment, your office space, etc. For instance, you will need to get a trade insurance quote and then take out trade insurance if your business deals in motor vehicles.
2. Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is something that should always be a priority for your business, as many online threats can result in serious problems for your company. If you are planning to take a well-earned break, but you’re worried about leaving your business vulnerable, consider what your current cybersecurity methods are and see if they can be improved. SonicWall Online is a great example of comprehensive cybersecurity if you are looking to upgrade or switch to new software. You should also make sure that regular updates are carried out to your firewalls to ensure that you are getting the best cover at all times.
3. VPNs
Speaking of cybersecurity, another very important thing to keep in mind when traveling is setting up a VPN (a virtual private network). This is great not only for those who are traveling for business but for personal use as well. Connecting to a Wi-fi network in a café, on the train, or in a hotel can be useful, but these networks aren’t necessarily secure. If you are conducting business while you’re traveling, then the last thing you want is for someone to be able to hack into your computer and see what you’re doing through the Wi-fi. Using a VPN will make sure your network remains secure, so you can continue to send emails, create documents, etc., without having to worry about who can access your computer.
4. Delegate
As well as getting the right travel insurance and looking at cybersecurity measures, you should also make sure you’re delegating tasks to the right people in your absence. Before you go on your travels, whether that’s for a personal holiday or business, make sure that everyone back in the office knows what they are doing and exactly what they are responsible for. This way, when you return, hopefully, you won’t have a backlog of work to do or have to deal with problems due to other people’s mistakes or a failure to complete tasks because they didn’t know you expected them to do this while you were away.
If you are planning to travel for business or pleasure, make sure your business stays secure by using the tips above.
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