From time to time, it can be nice to pick up a new hobby. It is even nicer when that hobby is something crafty that will allow you to make things that you can actually use. Such a hobby can be a great way to take a break from your day and potentially even relieve stress.
Since summer tends to be a bit more of a relaxed time of the year, it is the perfect time to find the perfect new craft hobby for yourself. Moreover, you can find inspiration from all of the bright colors and hues that are on full display throughout the summer months.

If you are looking for a craft hobby to take up, you will certainly have a great deal to choose from. Here are three of the more popular crafty hobbies to consider trying out this summer.
1. Knitting
Even though knitting doesn’t sound like the most exciting hobby to start, it can be incredibly relaxing to just kick back and craft something that you can actually use. In addition, summertime is the perfect time of the year to learn how to knit since you can take this hobby virtually anywhere.
You can hang out on the patio in the sun while you try out your new hobby or simply bring it with you when you leave the house in case you wind up with some downtime. Moreover, giving yourself a few months to learn how to knit will mean that you have plenty of time to perfect your skills before you can sport any scarves that you make for the fall.
In order to learn how to knit properly, you will need to equip yourself with the right supplies. Make sure that you have a set of knitting needles and a wide selection of quality yarns to use for your first projects.
2. Painting
One of the most versatile and widely applicable crafty hobbies that you can take up is painting. When you develop your skills with a brush, you can not only create lovely works of art that can be hung on the wall, but you can even adorn other objects such as vases or wine glasses.
If you have never attempted to paint before, it can be helpful to take a class to get some guidance from an instructor. Then, once you get the hang of things, you can spend some lovely summer afternoons working on your new skill.
3. Calligraphy
Calligraphy is one of the crafty hobbies that is just as soothing as it is useful. The art of learning how to create the perfect script across artisan paper is a fun and relatively low-maintenance hobby to take up.
Furthermore, this hobby will come in handy. Whether you are the type of person who never neglects to send out thank-you cards or if you love to send personalized Christmas cards to your friends and loved ones, you will find multiple uses for your new skill.
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