The cubicle is a very common fixture in many offices. Cubicles help use space efficiently and give each a little spot to call his or her own. However, working in cubicles means that you are very close to your coworkers, so it is important to know how to act to keep the workplace pleasant for everyone.
The partitions in cubicles are not fitted with doors or solid walls. Consequently, it may seem easy for us to talk to each other, but it is as well simple for us to disturb our neighbors. Everybody should thus learn to get along with others and accomplish more.
Respect Personal Space and Boundaries
Cubicle walls are not soundproof; they are not intended to be thick or to keep one from hearing what is happening in the next office. They are simply a physical marker showing where one person's space begins and ends and another person's begins. Common courtesy dictates that the barrier should be treated with respect. That means not leaning over into or putting your things into the other person's cubicle. Also, always knock on cubicle walls or say hello before starting a conversation, as a heads-up that you'd like your coworker's attention.
Shouting over the phone or at a colleague across cubicle walls should be avoided at all costs; the walls of the cubicles are porous, and conversations are easily heard on the other side. Disturbing others is also possible by playing music on speakers, so using headphones is yet another respectful way in which to avoid bugging others.
Effective Communication in Close Quarters
Effective communication is key in any workplace and even more so in cubicle settings. Discuss any problems that arise in the cubicle setting, such as shared equipment or the temperature setting of the room, clearly and politely. Address any problem that comes up in a calm and direct manner with the person(s) involved. This direct approach to issues usually resolves them more quickly and your politeness helps maintain a healthy working relationship.
Keeping the Cubicle Area Clean and Organized
Another important part of cubicle etiquette is keeping your cubicle clean. A messy working area may overflow and take over somebody else's space. This is especially true when the cubicle walls are low. Stacked-high files falling into another cubicle is definitely what your colleague(s) wants. So, ensure your space is organized, and keep common areas free of clutter.
Also, don't let personal decorations overrun your space. A couple of pictures or a plant would be fine in your cubicle, but multiple decorating items are overkill and make the aesthetic of the shared workplace so much worse. Remember, what you do with your cubicle can affect how comfortable everybody else feels.
Building a Cubicle Culture That Works As One
By following some of this basic workplace etiquette, you find that you are actually helping your office out a little more. Respecting personal space, good communication, and cleanliness of a space are all components of establishing a well-bonded work environment. Working in cubicles can be a happy and productive experience when everybody does their part.
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