You must have heard one who trods that path never goes back there again! But if you are Ross, then you have immense faith in the institution of marriage, and there is no one separating the two! Twenty years in marriage? Well, now anniversaries may even seem boring and every day a normal one! But do you know what keeps the spark intact?
A little humor! That's right, there is a life where there is laughter, and here is a way of enjoying your days with your partner with the help of these happy marriage quotes we have penned down for you!

Positive Marriage Quotes to Motivate You
What can we say? Marriages are fun! At one point, you are fighting like cats and dogs, and the next, you are wondering whether they have eaten breakfast at work or not! I am pissed with the wet towel on the bed or how they forget to close the tap every time and do not even remind me about the lights before leaving the room!
How annoying can it be when you know you must live with them forever? But that is also what it is! Forever and you do not even know how long it will last! Still, we take the oath and promise forever! A forever within the days of togetherness!

Happy Marriage Quotes of All Time
A person who is forever there when you come back home dejected! Forever someone to make a cup of coffee, former to share your thoughts, bitch about the new colleague you hate!
Pardon my language, but isn't it what marriage is all about? Series of mistakes followed by a series of acceptance! You see, it hardly makes sense, but when you give it a deep thought, it is the best thing you did!

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