Heating water accounts for 18 percent of your energy costs, so investing in an efficient water heater could save significant amounts. Upgrading to one with more efficiency may even lead to greater savings! Though ENERGY STAR-certified models may cost more upfront, their benefits become apparent within two years as energy bills decline due to reduced usage.

Continue reading to learn why investing in one may be worthwhile!
Afterward, you can click the following link to learn more about the benefits of servicing your water heater and to get in contact with water heater specialists in Chicago, IL.
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1. Reduced Energy Bills
Installing a new water heater can save energy costs in your home. Modern models consume significantly less energy than their counterparts and operate with high thermal efficiency, cutting energy consumption by nearly 50 percent.
Your old water heater could be drawing excessive energy from the national power grid and increasing utility costs, leading to higher bills than necessary. By switching to an energy-efficient unit, electricity and gas consumption will decrease significantly.
You can reduce energy use further by lowering the thermostat, taking shorter showers, and washing clothes in colder water. These simple changes could result in significant savings for homeowners and even qualify you for rebates when upgrading to high-efficiency models.
2. Reduced Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint measures the total greenhouse gas emissions generated from producing and using products or services during their entire life cycles. There are various methodologies and online tools available to calculate this figure; generally, energy and transportation emissions account for most of a carbon footprint's emission.
Upgrade to a higher-efficiency water heater to reduce your carbon footprint by using less energy, producing fewer greenhouse gasses, and saving on standby heat loss when not actively in use. The insulation used on newer models helps minimize this standby heat loss when not actively used for hot water production.
Other strategies for lowering your carbon footprint include:
- Swapping out disposable utensils for reusable bags
- Taking shorter car trips (accelerated fuel usage burns more)
- Purchasing products made from recycled materials and local goods
3. Less Sediment Buildup
Older water heaters tend to consume large quantities of electricity or gas when operating, using up significant resources each year and costing homeowners hundreds in energy bills. By upgrading to an energy-efficient model, homeowners could see considerable savings each year and potentially save hundreds from their energy bills.
Energy-efficient storage tank water heaters feature thicker insulation layers around their tanks to decrease standby heat loss and distribution losses and have shorter cycle times for producing hot water.
Although investing in a new, high-efficiency water heater will cost more upfront, the savings from reduced energy bills may pay for themselves in just a few years - not to mention lessening sedimentation into the environment and decreasing your carbon footprint!
4. Less Noise
Energy-efficient appliances can help save both money and reduce our environmental impact, with water heater upgrades among the best ways to start saving both.
Thanks to upgraded insulation and motorized dampers that control heat loss, high-efficiency storage tanks are much more energy-efficient than their older models.
Furthermore, electric ignition is used rather than having an overhead pilot light which still consumes gas even when not lit.
If you're replacing or seeking to upgrade your home's water heater, investing in an energy-efficient model would provide significant cost savings and impressive hot water production - perfect for busy households of any size and offering peace of mind and comfort.
5. Easy Installation
After spending time and money to insulate and air seal your home from attic to basement, it is only natural that you take steps towards increasing energy efficiency where possible. An often-overlooked area for upgrades is your water heater.
Upgrading to a high-efficiency water heater may be easier than you think, as many of these units are smaller than traditional tank gas water heaters and can save on installation costs in homes with small mechanical rooms.
These models utilize a blower motor that serves both as an intake and exhaust vent, simplifying installation time. However, accurate calibration is critical for this system to function correctly; to do this properly requires ensuring all intake and exhaust vent runs are balanced evenly in length and timing.
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