Restaurants are one of the businesses that use the most water, gas, and electricity. With the rise in tariffs, owners have started to look for alternative options to save on costs.
There are many reasons why restaurants might look at changing their utility companies and can effortlessly make the switch without causing any delay to business.
Using Utility Bidder is one of the options available for companies who want to look for alternative business water suppliers.
How to Switch Business Water Suppliers?
There are two things you need to be sure of before you can make a switch for your business water supplier.
The first thing is that your business needs to be in Scotland or England as the water suppliers in Wales have not yet been deregulated.
This means that the water in Wales is being supplied by one provider whereas in Scotland and England, the water suppliers are part of an open market which means that business owners can choose from different retailers to supply their water depending on the rates they have on offer.
The second important thing is that the business is on a business premise, no household/domestic properties can make the switch.
If your business meets the criteria (above points) you can go ahead and look for the utility provider that offers you the cheapest rates while still giving you great service.
You need to provide your information such as the current water supplier that you are using, a copy of the monthly bill, and a letter of authority to start the process.
You need to provide your Supply Point Identification Number (SPID). This is the 8-digit number that is found on your water bill. You can give this to your new supplier who will use this number when contacting your old water provider to make the switch.
Make sure that you have paid any money that you might owe to your current water supplier to ensure that you don't have any outstanding payments that might cause a delay in the process.
The switch can take up to 28 days, provided there are no delays involved. Some common hold-ups can include the premise size and how many there are, contact details, and the location.
Why do Businesses make the Switch?
Businesses can choose to make the switch between companies for many different reasons, however, the biggest reason can be to save on cheaper rates.
Other reasons can be that they are looking for better services, or for a service that is more inclusive and offers more than just supplying water.
Comparing business water rates from different companies can be beneficial. Sometimes businesses are registered under a default tariff and this results in the business paying more for water than they would with other suppliers.
What Services Should You be Getting From Your Water Supplier?
Your water supplier should ensure that there is running water to your business premise constantly. The water should also be safe to drink by meeting the regulation quality levels of the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) for both England and Wales.
Inspectors should regularly check for the following; chemicals, bacteria, and how the water tastes and looks. This is to ensure that the water is safe for consumption and meets all the standard requirements needed to be considered safe drinking water.
Be sure you have the right pressure from your supplier, on average you should be able to fill one gallon within 30 seconds. If not, you should contact your supplier to have your water pressure checked and adjusted.
When comparing different water suppliers remember that utility companies are often rated on aspects such as their customer service, how they manage their account systems, how reliable they are, and how many billing practices they have.
It is important to check for these other features that you might want aside from just checking if their water rates are cheaper.
It doesn't cost businesses to make a switch on their water supply nor does it interrupt the flow of water that is already directed to the business. You can make this switch at any time as long as your business is in the area where it falls under the open market.
Checking for cheaper rates can help save money as businesses can oftentimes fall under a default rating which can be more expensive than other suppliers' rates.
Business water suppliers can offer more than just supplying water, be sure to check the other services that they have to offer to make paying your utilities much easier.
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