Self-doubt is a big problem for many people. It’s the kind of nagging feeling that tells you you’re not good enough, or that you shouldn’t strive for more in life because you’ve reached the ceiling of where you can go. This feeling can cause havoc with people’s plans and their confidence, stopping them from achieving the most out of their lives and specifically their careers. If you want to silence that frustrating voice that tells you these things and persuades you that you can’t do any more than you are currently doing, then you need to push forward and choose to be the very best at what you do.

Doing this won’t be easy, especially if your self-doubt has been plaguing you for many years and essentially holding you back from being all you can be. You might even think you have missed all the opportunities that would have come your way. However, that is not true; there are always ways you can achieve more in life, and if you want to be the best in your career, here are some ways you can do it.
Start Small
Just because you are now telling yourself that you can do more with your life, that doesn’t mean you are able to jump right in at the top and start working in the way you had always wanted to. No matter where you are in your career progression right now, it’s not a good idea to try to skip steps; you will miss out on a lot of learning and life lessons that way. In fact, if you want to be the best you can be, you need to take each step as it comes to you, and understand what each lesson is before you move on to the next. This will give you a much better understanding of how your career actually works, and your place in it.

Until you have a solid understanding of the level you are currently working on, you shouldn’t try to get to the next, or you may find you have to stop and retrace your steps to learn something you missed out on before. Don’t worry; this isn’t going to slow down your progress or hold you back. What it will do is ensure you are the very best at your chosen career and have the most solid understanding.
Keep Learning
If you want to become the ultimate at whatever it is you do, you will need to keep learning. Searching out specific opportunities to learn and become better, and gaining more and more qualifications is something that can help you immensely, and not only will it give you the knowledge you are looking for, but it will give you confidence too, showing that you can do what it takes to get where you want to go.

If you are studying nursing, for example, you can look at online BSN to DNP programs that will take you from one level to another at your own pace so you can study when it suits you, rather than having to go to a physical school at a specific time which could be inconvenient or even entirely impossible depending on your schedule, and put you off learning altogether. These online courses are ideal for those who have a full-time job and/or a family to take care of since they won’t take you away from any of your other responsibilities and will still mean you can learn all you need to get to the next step on the career ladder. You can also complement your learning with career tools to study more efficiently. At you can find useful study tools and materials like notes, assignments, summaries, and books.
Do What You Want to Do
In order to be good at something, you need to have a passion for it. You need to want to learn and want to progress. If you are working in a career that someone else has chosen for you, no matter how well-meaning that choice might have been, you may not feel as though you care enough to really push yourself to the next level, and certainly not to work hard at becoming the best you can be.

This is why it is so important to do what you want to do in life, no matter whether others approve or think you should be doing something else. If you are doing something you love, something that interests you, you are much more likely to want to learn more because you are genuinely interested. Not only will that be fascinating for you, but it will clearly help your career move along as well. The more interested you are in a subject, the more you will take in the information that you are learning, whereas if something is boring you will hear what you are being told, but you might not really be listening and you certainly won’t be learning.
Doing what you want to do makes a big difference, so if you are finding your career to be a struggle or you have often wondered why you can’t seem to progress, this might be the answer. Take a step back and reassess what you are doing; you might find that if you stop and think about it, there is something else you would rather do. The good news is, that there are online courses that can help you to gain the skills and qualifications you need to do whatever you want in life, so if you need to make a switch, you should.
Learn from Your Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes because no one is perfect. Bearing this in mind is extremely important, as it will keep you working hard even if you do make a mistake. Although potentially an issue, a mistake is also an ideal way to learn how to do something the right way, and until you try you’ll never know quite what that right way is. Whatever you do, don’t let a mistake shake your confidence; you need to keep looking to the future and reaching your ultimate goals.

No one sets out to make a mistake, and understanding what went wrong, and being able to go back and fix the mistake if possible, is all part of the progression of life and in particular your career. As long as you can understand what happened and why the mistake was made, and you know how not to make the same mistake in the future, you will have learned, and this will make you better at what you do overall.
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