Every year, a large number of individuals resolve to make a positive change in their life. You may wish to reduce weight, earn more money, recommit to your religion, or spend more time with your family. However, only around 8% of them follow through on their resolutions. [1] You come into an impediment along the road that makes you feel restless and uninspired.
It's important to understand that restlessness is a natural aspect of existence. Things may not always go as planned or as fast as you would want. There are a number of measures you may do to bounce back in life, depending on why you feel that way.
The seven most frequent reasons for restlessness are listed here, along with some methods for feeling calm and motivated.
1. The Suppression of True Love
In everyone's mind, there are two tiny voices. Your inner self has one voice, while your inner critic has the other.
Your inner self is the source of your creativity, self-assurance, and sense of direction. When you were younger, this enabled you to march to the beat of your own drum. You played because you wanted to. You went to sleep when you were ready to.
However, as you grew older, you were taught that pursuing your passion made you selfish or reckless. Your inner critic began to take control, telling you why it was better to play things safe. As a consequence of having to conceal your desires in order to satisfy others, you began to feel restless.
This internal conflict is draining. As a result, you must always be loyal to yourself. Allow your intuition to lead you and realize that you won't be able to satisfy everyone.
2. Having to fight on too many fronts
They don't mean everything at once when they say you can have everything you desire. Because you set yourself up for failure, you may be restless and uninspired.
You may, for example, find it difficult to cut down on your expenditures while attempting to eat healthier. After all, most people would agree that eating healthily necessitates spending more money on raw foods. Because your objectives are diametrically opposed, you must prioritize them.
The same is true if your aim is to get a promotion and spend more time with your family. Promotions typically include taking on additional tasks while keeping your existing workload. Naturally, as you get more acquainted with the new duties, you will become more efficient, but you may also need to work extra numerous times.
3. Life from a Negative Perspective
Failure may make you feel like you need to reevaluate your life. As you cope with setbacks, consider the following questions:
- Is this truly what I'm supposed to be doing?
- Should I have been more cautious?
- Is this to say it's not for me?
When you're wondering whether you've spent the past few years pursuing a far-fetched goal, it's normal to feel restless.
The issue with asking yourself, "What went wrong?" is that you'll get a negative response.
It's tough to get rid of negative thoughts. In reality, it may demonstrate that you have always been capable of doing better. That is why so many individuals never make it beyond the analyzing stage of making a life change. They understand how things can be improved just as they are about to take action, so they decide not to do anything.
Instead of focusing on all of the things that are wrong with the world, begin to focus on what is good in your life. Consider the following question: "What is one good consequence of attempting and failing?"
4. Lack of self-assurance
You stopped thinking you were good enough sometime along this life's path, which caused you to become restless.
Consider anything that makes you feel very confident as a fast remedy for this treatment. It might be something as basic as riding a bike or acing a job interview.
Is it fair to say you haven't always had faith in your interviewing abilities? What had changed since then?
What has changed is that you have had many employment offers throughout the years. The same principle applies to your belief in your ability to ride a bicycle.
When you achieve a goal, uncertainty fades away from your mind. You don't need to spend three days practicing for a job interview or learning how to ride a bike. You have a high level of confidence since you have previously passed a range of interview questions.
To Stop Feeling Restless, Increase Your Confidence.
If you haven't adequately prepared for the job at hand, you will lack confidence and feel restless.
5. An overabundance of reliance on others
Having to rely on others isn't necessarily a negative thing. “If you want to move quickly, go alone,” says an African adage. However, if you want to go far, you should go together.”
When you work with others, you have a partner who holds you accountable and encourages you to keep going. The issue occurs when you are too reliant on others.
You lose control over aspects of your life the more you rely on others.
It's similar to those class projects when you had to work in groups. If you don't enjoy procrastination, a partner who doesn't look at the project until a week before the deadline will irritate you.
You need to work with individuals who share your fundamental beliefs if you want to avoid feeling restless and prevent others from draining your drive.
6. Burnout
Burnout is no laughing matter. It typically occurs as a consequence of attempting to accomplish too much too soon. You feel as if you've lost time, and you're eager to make up for the previous five years in a short period of time.
You may have restlessness as a result of burnout.
Someone who has gained 90 pounds in three years and now wants to drop it all in three months is a good example.
Is it even possible? Most likely, but what sort of diet would someone need to follow to lose a pound a day?
Consider someone who has been wanting to establish a company for a few years. They've always found an excuse to postpone the date, but now they're feeling pressed for time. They toil away at their day jobs and work on the company all night, averaging just an hour of sleep each night.
You may believe that things are finally moving in the right way, but how long can you maintain this momentum?
When you finally burn out, you'll get restless, especially when your profits begin to disappear. As a result, you must have a realistic timetable for your objectives. Keep in mind that you're forming a life-changing habit, which takes time.
Meanwhile, focus on your mental wellness by practicing relaxation methods such as deep breathing.
7. Being a One-Man Army
Whether you're having trouble trusting people or trying to hide your flaws, isolating yourself is a formula for catastrophe.
The finest among us have coaches and mentors for a reason. Getting a fresh perspective on things is helpful, particularly if it comes from someone who has achieved the same objectives you have.
When you isolate yourself, it's all too easy for your perspective to get distorted by your own prejudices. One of the many studies on diversity shows the higher profits generated by a diverse board vs one without diversity.
The opportunity to run an idea past someone else is sometimes all that's missing. It's not that you need them to come up with the idea, but discussing it out with others has its advantages. Don't put the onus on yourself. Your outcomes may deteriorate as a consequence of your restlessness and overwhelm.
Last Thoughts
The first step in feeling less restless and uninspired is to pay attention and recognize that things did not go as planned.
Recognize that you need to make a change, whether you set an unreasonable deadline or you encounter an unexpected setback. This frees you from hanging on to the past and enables you to move on.
Feelings of despair and powerlessness sap your drive. Allowing yourself to make changes as you acquire new insights and information can help you succeed.
Remember If you alter the behaviors that led to your previous outcomes, your past will no longer control your future.
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