Dreams are the particular state of mind in which a series of various ideas, images, sensations, and emotions takes place within the brain. It is one of the involuntary actions of the human body. It is known that the brain is completely active all throughout the night as well. Moreover, the brain performs its activity intensely.
It is also known that dreams mainly occur during REM sleep. Research says that, in most cases, dreams are forgotten as, during REM sleep, the memory function of the brain becomes inactive.
A few factors that directly impact the content of a dream are stress, anxiety, or any stimuli that have been created externally. Dreams are basically of two different types.
What is the Time Duration of Dream
Basically, it is observed that a dream mainly occurs 5-6 times during his/her sleep. Thus, it lasts for 30 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours. Though it is also unclear what is, the exact duration of the dream lasts.
There is also a misconception that dreams mainly occur in REM sleep. Dream in this particular stage of sleep has been linked due to the characteristic movement of the eye. According to recent studies, it has been observed from the report that dreaming can happen in the non-REM stage of sleep as well. But vivid dreams mainly appear during REM.
Some evidence suggests that specific pattern of waves are observed in the brain during REM sleep, along with the movements of the eye that also takes place that leads to the length of the dream. And it also helps in measuring it.
Interesting Facts of Dreams
There are many theories associated with dreams, and we all try to analyze the dreams that we see. Let us take a quick look at the interesting facts related to dreams:
Dream Helps in Learning
When sleeping, our brain engages in search of ways to solve our daily or unique problems. It also gets busy learning new things. When one is trying to work on something new or provided with unique responsibilities, our brain tries to accommodate that. So, having a deep sleep and experiencing such a dream can eventually help us learn.
Faces that are Seen in Dreams are of Known People
It has been showcased in a science journal that the parts of the human brain become highly active when one is in REM sleep. It can easily recognize our known faces, and if we notice, we can easily find out that in maximum dreams, we see the faces of those with whom we have some sort of connection.
Dreams Can be Experienced in Black and White As Well
As per recent research, approximately 12% of respondents have stated that they experience dreams only in black and white. In this case, age plays a key role. Younger ones under the age band of up to 25 years stated that they had never experienced any dream in black and white. Whereas people coming under the age group starting from 55 years have mentioned that most of the dreams they experience are in black and white.
Animals Also Dream
We humans are not the only ones who can experience dreams. There are several species of animals that can also dream due to the presence of high activity of the brain, mainly while they are asleep.
Meditation Also Affects the Dream
This particular form of activity mainly provides you with a proper sense of peace and calm and also balances your overall well-being and emotional stress. It is also being observed that beta blockers are capable of lowering the blood pressure of your body, hence, can trigger and intensify your dream.
Blind People Can Also Visualize Dreams
People who are blind from birth can visualize dreams without the appropriate sense of sight. On the other hand, when someone goes blind suddenly, they do picture the images in their dream.
Dreams can help in solving puzzles:
Though dream is a part of the subconscious mind, the conscious mind can also grab complicated issues which can be solved only by the process of dreaming. This is the reason why whenever you go to sleep upset, you get deeper dreams and wake up completely fresh.
Few Dreams are Universal
There are a few common and universal dreams that most people dream simultaneously or it is very much common. For example, flying high, running in the same position, etc., are considered to be universal dreams.
Infants Also Dream
Researchers have found that each and everyone dream. There is no age limit for dreaming. Even newborns or infants have the capability to dream.
Most Dreams are Forgotten
If you always wake up to the sound of the high-pitched alarm clock, be sure that you are going to forget your dreams when you are awake. If you want to recall the dream and analyze it, you need to wake up peacefully.
The Mind is More Active While Dreaming
Your mind is more active during your dreaming process than during your awakening phase. Though your body is under complete rest, your mind keeps on performing several activities like problem-solving, sorting things out, learning, and lots more. On waking up, those activities are absorbed by your brain for utilizing those in the waking hours.
Every individual is different from others in several aspects. Dreams also play a major role in this. It is quite possible that you hardly remember any dreams, but any of your acquaintances can recall and remember every dream. It is only a process of the brain during the nighttime.
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