Fleas are annoying. They multiply rapidly and cause your pets to be very itchy. In addition, they bite your pets, can cause allergic reactions, and can even cause their fur to fall out. In some cases, fleas will even bite humans, causing itchy red welts to appear, usually on the lower half of your legs.
It should be noted that fleas are capable of carrying diseases, such as plague. If you think you have an issue with them then call your local pest control company.
Of course, ticks are just as bad, the list of diseases they can carry is longer than fleas, or a particular note is their ability to transmit Lyme disease to people and animals. Ticks are generally harder to deal with, you should find out more info about them and your local professionals.
The best approach is to keep fleas and ticks out of your home, preventing them from being an issue. Here are some techniques that will help.
The good news regarding ticks is that they live in long grass and wait for the opportunity to climb onto a passing animal or human. This means you are highly unlikely to have a tick infestation at home.
If you, your family, and pets like to walk in areas where there is long grass it is best to stay covered and check yourselves for ticks before heading into your home.
If you need to remove them use a tick remover or tweezers and take the tick out whole, this will prevent the area from getting infected.
Flea & Tick Spray
You can purchase flea and tick spray over the counter and it is very effective at killing these small creatures. Simply spray your upholstery, soft furnishings, and under the cupboards. This will cover the areas where fleas and ticks like to hide and should kill them.
Fleas multiply extremely quickly which can make it difficult to kill them. Professionals can inspect and treat again for you if necessary.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is surprisingly effective at killing these pests. Simply sprinkle it into your soft furnishings and leave it for a short time. It will dehydrate the fleas and ticks, causing them to die. You can then vacuum them up.
Diatomaceous Earth
This ancient, fossil-based, compound contains thousands of tiny sharp edges. It is of no concern for humans and pets. But, for fleas, ticks, and other pests it is deadly. As they move through it their exoskeletons are damaged, causing them to dehydrate and die.
You can encircle your house with this and prevent the fleas and ticks from getting in.
Trim Your Garden
Another great way to protect your home is to make sure that the garden is tried and that there is concrete or a similar path-like substance surrounding your house. This will prevent ticks and fleas from crossing the last few yards into your home.
Of course, you will also need to be observant to ensure your pets are not carrying these pests past your natural barriers.
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