Did you have any chance to have your java exactly the way you want it? If you are an avid coffee drinker and looking for ways to elevate your morning coffee, you should consider making your stovetop coffee.
However, the most flavorful joe comes from fresh ground coffee beans, hot water, and a few minutes worths of patience. Ready to make one and pick up some tips and tricks?

Keep reading to learn all about making a perfect cup of stovetop coffee. Let's dive in!
Choose the Perfect Grind for Your Coffee
A finer grind is best for a Moka pot, espresso maker, or stovetop espresso maker. Additionally, if you are using a French press, get a coarser grind. However, a medium grind is best if you are using an eight-cup coffee maker with a filter.
Also, make sure the grind you choose is appropriate for the type of coffee maker you’re using. If the grind is too fine, it may end up being overly acidic and bitter. But if it is too coarse, the coffee may end up weak and watery.
Each kind of coffee maker is unique and will require a specific grind to make the best cup of coffee.
Measure Your Coffee and Water Precisely
This is essential for getting the desired strength, flavor, and aroma of your coffee. When measuring, use about two tablespoons for every six ounces of water for a full-bodied flavor.
For optimal results, purchase a grinder and freshly crush your coffee beans just before brewing. Conversely, use boiled water and cool it for one minute for the best results.
This allows for the truest flavor extraction, as boiling water causes the acidity to be extracted from the coffee grounds quickly.
Bring Water to a Rolling Boil
First, fill a coffeepot with cold water, then place it on a stove over high heat. Once the water begins to boil and starts to emit a steady stream of bubbles, remove it from the fire.
This is the best time to add your desired amount of ground coffee, ensuring optimal flavor. Additionally, for a smoother cup of java, try using filtered water and freshly ground beans.
If you're using a French press, use coarse-ground coffee, preferably no more than 20 seconds after crushing. Finally, put it into the boiling water and let it steep for about five minutes for a more complex flavor.
Let the Coffee Bloom
To “bloom” your coffee, you’ll need to place one tablespoon of freshly ground coffee in the pot on the stovetop, and then pour a few tablespoons of hot water over it. Stir it with a spoon and watch as the grounds bubble up.
This process helps release the essential oils inside the coffee beans, perfectly setting up your cup of coffee to be both strong and smooth. After blooming is complete, add more water and bring to a soft boil.
Finally, turn off the heat and let the coffee sit for an additional minute or two before pouring and serving. Check out Nuddy Coffee for more tricks and equipment in making a perfectly brewed java every time!
Tips for Making a Great Cup of Stovetop Coffee at Home
By following these tips, you can easily craft a great stovetop coffee with no problem. From ideal grind size to correct periods, you now have the tools available to make the perfect cup.
The possibilities are endless, so why not get started now?
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