It can be frustrating to work hard all month to find your bank account lacking in funds once the bills have been paid. The costs of utility bills can vary dramatically between states, districts, and even different houses on the same street, but there are effortless ways to reduce your outgoings and have more disposable income each month. Here’s how.
Turn It Off!
It sounds simple, but if you are not using an electrical device, turn it off. When you leave a room, turn the television off. Do not leave the faucet running when you are brushing your teeth – only use the water you need. Switch off lights in empty rooms. These small changes could make an enormous difference to your outgoings.
Take Charge
Are you one of the many people who charge their cell phone overnight? Changing your charging habits could save you money. Not only can this be a fire hazard, but it is also a waste of electricity. Around seven hours sleep a night is the average for Americans and most modern cell phones will fully charge in around an hour. That is six hours of electricity being used unnecessarily every night.
Search for Deals
Many people stay with the same supplier because they believe switching will be time-consuming but it is simple to find the best deal for your needs by comparing energy rates. Energy deregulation in states such as Ohio and Cleveland gives customers the freedom to find a plan that works for them. Check out the incentives on offer as each supplier will have a different energy plan and some offer deals such as ‘free nights,’ so the cheapest rate may not be the best deal – look out for a supplier who can offer what you need at a price that’s right.
Time to Get Down
How often do you check your thermostat? If it is on a timer or preset to switch itself on when the temperature in your home drops below a certain point, you could be using excess energy. Manually adjusting your thermostat each day might seem like an extra chore but means you are only using energy when you need it. Turning your thermostat down by one or two degrees can also save you money so consider whether you need the heating cranked up to full or if an extra sweater will work just as well.
Shower Power
An evening bath can be a fantastic way to de-stress after a stressful day but if you are keen to make cutbacks, switching to a shower could save you money. In the Western world we take clean water for granted but by saving baths for the weekend or a rare treat you could find your utility bills are lower.
Making minor changes can benefit your pocket and the environment and, although they might seem challenging at first, they will soon become second nature. Focus on the money you can save by being frugal with energy usage and researching your options.
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