Foster care is often necessary to keep a child safe, but it can have a profound impact on the lives of the children who are placed in the system. Although it can be life-changing for children who need a safe, stable environment after experiencing neglect, abuse, or other traumatic experiences, foster care can come with its own set of challenges. If you are considering becoming a foster carer, it’s crucial to understand some of the main ways that being in the foster care system can impact children and the challenges that they may face as a result.

Placement Instability
One of the biggest challenges that children in foster care face are placement instability. This is why foster care agencies like recommend that you take the time to think about things if you are considering becoming a foster carer and get a good, realistic idea of what to expect. Doing this before becoming a foster carer reduces the risk of children being moved from one foster home to another several times, which can cause serious disruption in their lives and leave them with feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and a sense of loss.
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Children in foster care who have previously experienced traumatic events such as abuse or neglect may struggle with emotional and behavioural difficulties as a result. For example, your foster child may have difficulties trusting adults or find it hard to form healthy relationships or friendships. When triggered, they may act out in ways that are challenging to manage. As a foster carer, it’s crucial to be trauma-informed and educate yourself on these behaviours and how to handle them. This puts you in the best position to create a stable, nurturing home environment for a child who has been through a lot.
Educational Disruption
Children in foster care have often experienced disruptions in their education. Due to moving around to different placements, they may have had to change schools frequently, which can make it harder for them to keep up with their studies and maintain positive relationships with their teachers and peers. Additionally, children who have been through past trauma and struggle with emotional and behavioural difficulties, as a result, may find it harder to succeed in school.
Health Concerns
Children in the foster care system might experience health concerns related to their past experiences of neglect and trauma. They may struggle with mental health conditions, for example, depression or anxiety, or have physical conditions related to neglect or abuse.
Positive Impact of Foster Care
While there are challenges that children in foster care may face, it’s important to remember that for the most part, the foster system is set up to be a positive impact on the lives of these children. With the right support, care, and stability, children in foster care can overcome their past difficulties and go on to learn how to trust again, form healthy relationships, heal emotionally and physically, and do well in school.
If you want to become a foster carer, it’s important to be aware of and prepared for some of the main challenges foster children face. This will help you be more effective in the role and set up your foster child for more success.
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