Love is one of the most special feelings in the world, and Valentine’s Day is just one day honored for the beauty and celebration of this selfless emotion, which makes our lives on Earth worth living. Really, can you imagine how life would have been if we were like these strictly functional 9 to 5 Robots who knew nothing else, felt no emotions, and never got tired of anything?
There would have been no difference between Aliens and Us! Well, that’s too big a statement to make, since we are not sure about life in extra-terrestrial space. But jokes apart, Valentine’s Day isn’t just a couple of specific days. Valentine’s Day is typically in honor of Saint Valentine. And for the Love of Saint Valentine, we celebrate it.
It’s literally about giving an expression to everyone you consider important and dear in your life. Check out these Valentine’s Day sayings which say it all.
Valentine's Day Sayings - Best Romantic Quotes About Love
Love is the perfect symbol of eternity for it erases the importance of time and ruins all the memories of a beginning and the fear of an end. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love is a thing that is sometimes difficult to express. It is always felt and your love is certainly the most amazing feeling I ever have.
Loving you has always been a journey of discovery for me. I honestly don’t know what true love is up until the time that you came to my life.
There is not a moment in my life that I will not think about you. I love you each and every day sweet heart and I especially love everything about you. Best wishes on this wonderful day!
They say that we fall in love only once in our lifetime. I know that this is not true because every day, I fall for you over and over again. I love you, have a wonderful time today sweety!
If a single flower is produced every time I think about you, then I could now walk forever in my garden.
Love is not about holding hands and spending time with each other. But it is about being there for your loved one, even in the cloudiest of all skies.
Nothing can ever give you happiness than the sweet smile of a lover and the thought that you are the reason behind that sweet smile. Happy Valentine’s Day!
When two hearts become one, they make the world complete. Indeed, nothing more is needed in this world than love.
You are the song that my heart would always want to sing, I love you. Enjoy your Valentine’s today!
Loving someone is not about loving their perfections as well. But it is about knowing their imperfections and loving them despite of that.
I cannot find the right words to describe love for it is something that we can never see or touch. Yet, it is the thing that I have felt the moment I saw you. Wishing you happiest day.
Love is like a sun, for it adds glow to your face and warms your heart. Wishing you love and happiness today!
Love is like a canvas that is furnished by nature and embroidered with imagination. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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